Anubandh FAQs: is a free matrimonial website for Arya Vaishya Komti Community at large.
Registration Process
Business Ads on Anubandh
Premium Membership
Account Deletion
Contact us
1. What is the registration process on
A. First Signup.
This will create your user id and password.
B. Then login to and you will be redirected to a Registration Form.
Submit this registration form filling details
about your address, education, family and partner requirement.
C. Then you will be asked to upload your photo. This completes the registration process
D. You will receive an activation mail from Anubandh Admin in next 48 hours after validating your information.
Then your name will start apprearing in the anubandh member list and you will be able to view complete details of other profiles.
2. How to add my Business Ad on Anubandh ?
Are you a business owner in our community?
Post Your Advertisement on at an affordable rate of just Rs. 1000 for 6 months!
Reach thousands of members and grow your visibility effortlessly.
Don't miss this opportunity to connect with a wider audience! Contact us today to get started - +91 8857931271.
2. How to register for Anubandh PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP ?
Anubandh Premium membership charges are Rs. 2500.00 for 6 months.
With Anubandh premium membership:
a) Your name will be displayed on the website front page all the time
b) You will receive weekly mail from anubandh listing newly added users.
c) Your name will be prioritised in the matching filter search
Below are Bank account details
Bank: IndusInd Bank Account #: 201 000 697 205 Beneficiary Name: ANUBANDH IFSC: INDB0000002 Branch: 0002 - Pune Type of Account: Current Account
Scan below bank QR code and pay

Please send your anubandh id and bank transaction details to us at Once verified, your profile will be activated for premium users in 48 hours.
3. How to remove my profile from member list?
Login to your account and click on "Change My Status" link available on the Welcome section of the home page and then select "Engaged" or "Delete profile" option.
4. Contact US
Phone: +91 930 955 4954/ 885 793 1271 (9 AM - 6 PM India time)